Redevelopment Needs
The client wished to tackle the pressing redevelopment needs of the current primary office building, which was no longer fit for purpose, in terms of size or condition. During a thorough investigation, OHA realised that much of the site was poorly utilised with vast amounts of vacant and poorly designed space, with a site that has rarely changed since the 1960s, when first built.
Redesign and Develop
Through a Feasibility Study, OHA explored the options for a concept to redesign and develop the site in order to house their growing company, within a modern, forward thinking space encouraging staff wellbeing and subsequently increasing staff retention.

During the Feasibility Study, we conducted detailed research into factors such as: Topography and Landscape; Environmental Considerations; Flood Risk and Drainage; and Geological Features. Also considering nearby Planning Permission, Access and Connectivity. Having reflected on the findings and considering the client’s brief, we proposed four initial concept sketch schemes to the clients, including summaries, in regard to a realistic Project Programme and Timescale, Budget Costs from a Quantity Surveyor, and considering office relocation during building works.
CAD drawings
Once a preferred concept was chosen, we developed the sketches into CAD drawings, including 3D models, floor plans and elevations, and a budget estimate, in co-operation with a Quantity Surveyor.
Co-creating with our clients.
Creativity, consideration and collaboration are at the core of our projects.
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